Thursday, July 4, 2013

Final Reading Response

Reading Response 8
            After leaving class on Tuesday I drove home thinking about this modern era that we live in and whether we have or are moving into the next era. Is there a true signal of this change? Or is it for historians and history students to debate decades from now. This is just a response to our class discussion and ideas that I feel would be the new era.
            With the boom of the industrial revolution we not only saw the mass production of goods, but we saw the development of pollution from the abundance of fossil fuels being burned. This came from factories and the automobiles that developed at this time. With the increasing awareness of the rise in global temperatures and the developing extremes of weather, I believe part of the new era will mean alternative fuel sources. The next era will see cleaner burning fuel sources such as solar and wind power. If we are to remain on this planet enjoying life we will have to develop a new way of fueling industry.
            This new cleaner alternative fuel will be something that will unite the world. Because I realty, this is not a first world, second world, or third world problem, it is everyone’s problem.
            Each era up until now has seen repeated colonization and wars resulting in the deaths of hundreds of millions of people. This next era will be a more peaceful one. The next leaders of the world will have learned and studied the terrible things that each nation across this planet has either participated in and will see that we need to move away from that. The world will finally be united. Not with just organizations like the United Nations. I am talking about truly united, not just willing to help people because their country is within are best interest to help us stay afloat. This next era will see not more wars and blood shed.
            Finally just these two ideas can be summed up by one thing, education. This next era will be a more widely educated era. One that will help develop civilizations across the Earth for generations to come, or until its time to move into a new era.