Sunday, June 23, 2013

Reading Response 6

Reading Response 6
            In response to question three at the end of the chapter 17, I would have to say that the chapter supported the statement that the influence of revolutions endured long after they ended.  The first example was the domino affect of revolutions around the Atlantic Ocean. As the success was seen that change could happen, and those who felt that they were being oppressed by their government could rise up to promote change and new era of society within their respective country. As pointed out in Stryaers book, the next example of the long lasting effect was the abolishment of slavery. In this we saw a race of people being denied the chance to be free and be given the same opportunity to succeed or fail that like anyone else. This issue was felt so strongly about that family members killed each other in order to help make change within our country. The last example that Strayer gave was not as violent. Women’s suffrage was also a revolutionary idea. If it were not for the people centuries ago that fought for change the following subsequent moments in history would likely not have happen either. In closing I would take this one step further and say that during our time now the issue of gay rights is the next revolution to happen. This revolution will cross both political and religious boundaries. Once this issue has been changed for the better there will be a new group of people who will be or feel oppressed. In closing these revolutions have endured because they have laid the foundation for all forms of revolution that have and will follow. 

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